Selasa, 02 Januari 2018

The Traditional Dance Goyang Karawang


   Jaipong Dance is a traditional dance from West Java province or Sundanese. According to Indonesian cultural history of this than was created by Gugum Gumbira, a dance maestro who lives in the Bojongloa street, Bandung. He led Jugala Group and has created dances so well-known and spread throughout Indonesia mainly during the 80’s . But, now I would introduce Jaipong as a Traditional dance from Karawang. The name is "Goyang Karawang" – dance is growing rapidly.
     That many people still don't know that Jaipong Dance originally came from Karawang, West Java. many people believed that Jaipong, which is known for its distinctive hip movement, comes from Bandung. But, Jaipong Dance is actually from Karawang and was created by Sundanese artist Abah Suwanda in Karawang in the 1970s. 
   Jaipong dance considered to be the as the origins of the emergence of the term shake karawang , it turns out that how things work out in karawang itself is in a watched terrible , in the middle of this insistence of modern art that from day to day in greater demand especially by the youth .It is , can be seen from more and more lack of an event or be deployed jaipongan especially in celebration occasions who lost than reputation of a single organ , other modern art and dangdut .
     In addition , residents are preferred of modern art than the arts , want to prove shake karawang not just by staggering, not by slue , but there is an element art highly remarkable .And maybe if connotation that we change , shake karawang this is staggering the fighters in karawang so that it can shakes indonesia , that is the essence of actually shake karawang , hope a nice.

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